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What Makes a Dividend King?
07:14am, Tuesday, Feb 28, 2023
Are Dividend Kings Safe?

When it comes to investing for the long term, finding reliable and stable investment options is key. This is where dividend kings come into play.

Dividend Kings are companies that have consistently paid and increased their dividends to shareholders for at least 50 consecutive years. These companies are considered reliable and stable, making them a popular choice for investors looking for consistent income and growth opportunities.

In this blog post, we will explore dividend kings, why they are essential for long-term investing, and how you can find and evaluate these companies for your investment portfolio. Whether you are a seasoned investor or just starting, understanding dividend kings can help you build a solid and diversified investment portfolio that can provide steady income and growth opportunities for years.

Criteria for Dividend Kings with examples:

To be considered a dividend king, a company must have a track record of consistently paying and increasing dividends for at least 50 consecutive years.

Meeting these criteria is not easy, and only a select few companies have been able to achieve this status.

Let's take a look at examples of Dividend Kings. Some of the most well-known dividend kings include Coca-Cola (KO), Johnson & Johnson (JNJ), and Procter & Gamble (PG). These companies have a long history of paying and increasing their dividends, even during challenging economic times.

For example, Coca-Cola has paid and increased its dividends every year since 1963, and Procter & Gamble since 1957. These companies have become household names, and their longevity in the market is a testament to the reliability and stability of their business models.

Historical Performance of Dividend Kings.

Over the years, dividend kings have outperformed the broader market regarding a total return. This is due to a combination of factors, including the reliability of their business models, the stability of cash flows, and their commitment to returning value to shareholders through consistent dividend payments.

According to a study by Hartford Funds, between 1972 and 2019, dividend-paying stocks outperformed non-dividend-paying stocks by an average of 1.9% per year.

Additionally, during periods of market volatility, dividend kings have historically provided investors with a measure of protection, as they tend to be less affected by market downturns compared to non-dividend-paying stocks.

Why Invest in Dividend Kings?

There are several advantages to investing in dividend kings:

  1. Such companies have proved to be more stable and less risky. This can help to offset market volatility and provide a sense of stability to an investment portfolio;
  2. Dividend kings have a track record of consistently increasing their dividends, which can help investors to keep pace with inflation over the long term;

Dividend kings stand out for their reliability and stability compared to other investment options. For example, bonds can also provide a steady source of income, but they are subject to interest rate risk, which can impact their value. In contrast, dividend kings can increase their dividends over time, which can help investors keep pace with inflation. Additionally, dividend kings tend to be companies with a long history of success, which can provide investors with a measure of safety during market downturns.

In comparison to growth stocks, dividend kings may not provide the same level of capital appreciation. However, dividend kings tend to be companies with a long-term focus, which can help investors to build a diversified investment portfolio.

Key factors in evaluating Dividend Kings:

When evaluating dividend kings, there are several key factors to consider:

  1. Investors should examine the company's financials, including its revenue growth, profitability, and debt levels. Companies with strong financials are more likely to be able to continue paying and increasing their dividends over the long term;
  2. Investors should consider the company's dividend history, including the length of time it has been paying and increasing its dividends and dividend payout ratio. Companies with a long history of paying and increasing their dividends and a conservative dividend payout ratio are more likely to be able to sustain their dividend payments over the long term;
  3. Investors should consider the company's industry and competitive position and any potential risks that may impact its ability to continue paying dividends in the future.

Are Dividend Kings a risk-free investment? No, dividend kings are not risk-free investments. While they are generally considered a relatively safe and stable investment option, there are still risks associated with investing in them. Such as changes in the economic environment, industry-specific risks, or changes in the company's competitive position. Additionally, dividend-paying companies may reduce or suspend their dividends during financial stress, such as during a recession or market downturn. It is crucial for investors to carefully evaluate the risks associated with investing in dividend kings and to diversify their portfolios to minimize the impact of any individual stock.

10 stocks that qualified as Dividend Kings as of January, 2023

Final words:

Dividend kings can be a great investment strategy for long-term investors looking for stable income and growth. By investing in companies with a long history of increasing their dividends, investors can benefit from the power of compounding and generate a reliable income stream over time. However, it is vital for investors to carefully evaluate the risks associated with investing in dividend kings and diversify their portfolios to minimize any individual stock risk.

As interest rates remain low and investors continue to search for yield, dividend kings are likely to remain an attractive investment option. While the economic environment may change, companies with a long history of increasing their dividends have proven to be resilient and have delivered strong returns over the long term. However, investors should always conduct their own research and analysis before investing in any stock, including dividend kings, to ensure they align with their investment goals and risk tolerance.

About The Author is a stock market research tool that provides daily stock signals and technical analysis for over 25 000 tickers on 38 exchanges. The company was founded in 2016 in Vilnius, Lithuania.

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