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Nvidia's 10-for-1 Stock Split: Lower Entry Point and New Growth Catalysts Examined

Lukas Schmidt
07:37am, Monday, Jun 10, 2024
Nvidia's 10-for-1 Stock Split: Lower Entry Point and New Growth Catalysts Examined

Nvidia (NASDAQ: NVDA) shares are now more accessible, trading at approximately one-tenth of their price from last week. This price adjustment stems from Nvidia's completion of a 10-for-1 stock split, allowing investors to purchase shares at a bit over $100 instead of the previous thousand-dollar tag. Stock splits generally make shares more affordable by multiplying the number of shares while reducing the price per share, appealing to a larger pool of potential investors. Nvidia's split aligns with similar moves by top tech companies like Alphabet, Amazon, and Tesla, which have all utilized stock splits to manage soaring share prices and stimulate further growth.

Earlier this year, Nvidia's share price approached $900, sparking rumors of an impending split. These speculations turned into reality when the company announced the split alongside an impressive earnings report, propelling the stock beyond the $1,000 mark. Now that Nvidia has executed this highly anticipated stock split, here are some key points to consider moving forward.

Insights on Nvidia’s Stock Split
Nvidia distributed the additional shares to existing shareholders after trading closed on June 7, with the split-adjusted shares now being available. Despite this, Nvidia's total market value remains unchanged. Last week saw Nvidia’s market capitalization soar to $3 trillion, briefly surpassing Apple as the second-largest U.S. company before settling just behind again. For investors with holdings prior to the split, although the volume of shares has increased tenfold, the total investment value remains consistent — one share worth $1,200 transforms into ten shares collectively worth the same amount.

For those looking to trade Nvidia shares, several new dynamics come into play. Investors can now buy smaller amounts of Nvidia shares without resorting to fractional shares. Selling has become more flexible too; anyone holding $1,200 worth of Nvidia after the split has more options to reduce their stake without fully liquidating their position.

What Lies Ahead for Nvidia?
Although the stock split itself won't directly influence Nvidia's future share performance, several other factors are poised to act as growth drivers. Nvidia's core business of designing GPUs and other AI-related products holds significant potential. Notably, Nvidia plans to release the H200 GPU, which promises nearly double the inference capabilities of its predecessor, the H100. The H200 is set for shipment in the second quarter, and demand already exceeds supply.

Additionally, the Blackwell architecture represents another pivotal development. Expected to launch later this year, Blackwell is anticipated to offer a 25-fold reduction in total cost of ownership and improved energy efficiency compared to the current Hopper architecture. Like the H200, demand for Blackwell is likely to outstrip supply for the foreseeable future. These product launches, coupled with Nvidia's robust pipeline and expanding collaborations with governments on AI initiatives, could significantly boost the stock. However, the real determinants of Nvidia's stock performance will be its ability to maintain its leadership in the AI and GPU markets, along with its capacity for continued innovation and revenue growth. For traders eyeing a prosperous investment opportunity, keeping an watchful eye on Nvidia’s upcoming product launches and strategic directions will be crucial.

About The Author

Lukas Schmidt