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Sony Reports Profit Drop, PS5 Sales Miss Targets

Alex Vellor
06:33am, Tuesday, May 14, 2024
Photo by Nikita Kostrykin on Unsplash

Sony (NYSE: SONY) reported a 7% decline in annual profits for the fiscal year 2023, highlighting challenges in its financial services and PlayStation sales. Despite a revenue increase, the company's earnings were dampened by underperforming sectors.

In the latest financial year, Sony’s revenue rose to 13 trillion yen, marking a 19% increase from the previous year. This growth was driven by strong overall sales, but not enough to keep profits up, as they fell to 1.2 trillion yen. This downturn was primarily affected by weaker performance in the financial services and imaging and sensing solutions sectors.

The PlayStation 5, Sony’s flagship gaming console, did not meet sales expectations. After revising down from an initial target of 25 million units, the console sold 20.8 million units, missing the adjusted forecast of 21 million. Looking ahead, the company is setting a more conservative target, expecting to sell only 18 million units in the fiscal year ending March 2025.

Sony’s financial services segment experienced a 22.5% drop in operating income, falling to 173.6 billion yen. The imaging and sensing solutions division also saw a decrease, with profits down by 9% to 193.5 billion yen.

Despite these challenges, Sony anticipates a minor increase in operating income for the coming fiscal year, forecasting a total of 1.28 trillion yen. However, they expect overall group revenue to decline by 5%, setting the target at 12.3 trillion yen.

Additionally, changes in Sony Interactive Entertainment's leadership were announced, with Hiroki Totoki stepping up as chairman and new CEOs appointed to lead the newly created Platform and Studio Business Groups.

As Sony navigates through these shifts, the company is focusing on adapting its strategies to improve profitability and stabilize its key divisions, particularly in gaming and financial services.

About The Author

Alex Vellor