Pivot Bottom Plus

A portfolio driven by the Pivot Bottom Plus list.

Start date
Apr 15, 2024
Jan 15, 2025

Portfolio gain
17.14 %

Max. items

Stop Loss
Stop Loss %
System based

Profit Limit
Not set

About Portfolios

The automated stock portfolios work by picking the best stocks based on the scores from the StockInvest.us scoring system. The candidates are then filtered depending on the settings of the portfolio. Tickers in the portfolio will be sold if the score becomes negative or the stop-loss condition is met.

The stop-loss limit is a critical feature of the portfolio and is recalculated daily. The rule of thumb for the stop-loss is that it can't go down, only rise up. By doing so, your potential gains are secured against sudden drops in the shared prices.


We update our portfolios daily after the stock market closes and recalculate the stop-loss limit for the upcoming trading day.

Keep in mind that the portfolios are based on end-of-the-day prices so the purchase may differ from your calculation. Once a stock in the portfolio should be "sold," it will be replaced with the first candidate from the appropriate list.

You may get a different price than this system, which will use the end-of-the-day price for the new candidate in the portfolio.

Top Fintech Company

StockInvest.us featured in The Global Fintech Index 2020 as the top Fintech company of the country.

Full report by FINDEXABLE


These portfolios are managed by our early BETA stage algorithms, and some errors may occur. All users should speak with their financial advisor before buying or selling any securities. Users should not base their investment decision upon StockInvest.us. By using the site you agree and are held liable for your own investment decisions and agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Please read more here.