Currently predicting for Thu, 4 Jul 2024

Trading levels for 4955.T

Fibonacci Support & Resistance Levels

Level Price
R3 1,241.00 1.80%
R2 1,234.12 1.24%
R1 1,229.88 0.89%
Price 1,219.00
S1 1,216.12 -0.236%
S2 1,211.88 -0.584%
S3 1,205.00 -1.15%

Accumulated Volume Support & Resistance Levels

Level Price
R3 1,240.00 1.72%
R2 1,235.00 1.31%
R1 1,233.00 1.15%
Price 1,219.00
S1 1,212.00 -0.574%
S2 1,137.00 -6.73%
S3 1,092.00 -10.42%

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