Latest Data & Signals Issued

Signal Type Signal Value Data
Score -0.819 12 days ( -13.16 % )
Last Price JP¥430.00 -1.83 %
High/ Low JP¥423.00 - JP¥440.00 10.64%
Chg 7 Days 6.97 % $402.00 JP¥430.00
Chg 30 Days 18.46 % $363.00 JP¥430.00
Chg 12 mos 42.38 % $302.00 JP¥430.00
Trend - 3 mos -11.39 % Width: 33.71 %
Trend - 12 mos 30.42 % Width: 41.00 %
Pred. range - 3 mos JP¥289.66 - JP¥387.29 -32.64 % - -9.93 %
Pred. range - 12 mos JP¥469.34 - JP¥661.76 9.15 % - 53.90 %
Short MA avg 3 mos Sell Jun 27, 2024 - 5 days
Long MA avg 3 mos Buy Jun 18, 2024 - 12 days
Short/Long MA avg 3 mos Buy Jun 20, 2024 - 10 days
Short MA avg 12 mos Buy Jun 17, 2024 - 13 days
Long MA avg 12 mos Sell Jun 27, 2024 - 5 days
Short/Long MA avg 12 mos Sell May 30, 2024 - 25 days
Pivot Short Sell May 30, 2024 - 25 days
Bollinger Buy Jun 25, 2024 - 7 days
MACD Buy No Dates Stored For This Signal

Signals Effectiveness

Backtesting is not only a way to check stock signal accuracy, but also a tool to continually improvement. Data can be used for self adjustment as each stock has an individual behavior.

Accuracy and return is not the same. A stock signal may provide low statistical accuracy, but the signals may prove high return in average.

Sharp market dips or fundamental changes (earning reports, news updates etc), may force a short term reaction and disturb the signals (Signals may jump quickly from buy to sell, just to return to buy).

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Yamashin-Filter Corp. operates as a filter manufacturer. The company manufactures, develops, and sells filters for construction and agricultural machines, drive-train, fuel systems and various filter products for industrial and precision machines, and industrial filter related parts; and nano filter products. Its construction machinery filters include hydraulic fluid filters to protect hydraulic cylinders, controls, and hydraulic systems used on ... 6240.T Profile

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