KRW/SGD Currency Pair Signals

-0.000003 (-0.308%)
At Close: Jul 03, 2024

Latest Data & Signals Issued

Signal Type Signal Value Data
Score 0.000 93 days ( 2.80 % )
Last Price S$0.0010 -0.308 %
High/ Low S$0.0010 - S$0.0010 0.82%
Chg 7 Days -0.348 % $0.0010 S$0.0010
Chg 30 Days -0.410 % $0.0010 S$0.0010
Chg 12 mos -6.36 % $0.0010 S$0.0010
Trend - 3 mos -1.44 % Width: 2.39 %
Trend - 12 mos -5.51 % Width: 4.22 %
Pred. range - 3 mos S$0.0009 - S$0.0010 -2.39 % - -0.0585 %
Pred. range - 12 mos S$0.0009 - S$0.0010 -5.98 % - -2.01 %
Short MA avg 3 mos Sell Jul 02, 2024 - 2 days
Long MA avg 3 mos Buy Jun 05, 2024 - 21 days
Short/Long MA avg 3 mos Sell May 26, 2024 - 29 days
Short MA avg 12 mos Sell Jul 01, 2024 - 3 days
Long MA avg 12 mos Buy Dec 27, 2023 - 143 days
Short/Long MA avg 12 mos Sell Dec 27, 2023 - 143 days
Pivot Short Buy May 16, 2024 - 36 days
Bollinger Sell Nov 30, -1 - N/A days
MACD Buy No Dates Stored For This Signal
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