Latest Data & Signals Issued

Signal Type Signal Value Data
Score 0.000 95 days ( -16.44 % )
Last Price $269.62 0 %
High/ Low $269.62 - $269.62 0%
Chg 7 Days N/A $269.62 $269.62
Chg 30 Days N/A $269.62 $269.62
Chg 12 mos 29.74 % $207.82 $269.62
Trend - 3 mos -0.795 % Width: 3.19 %
Trend - 12 mos 21.36 % Width: 21.60 %
Pred. range - 3 mos $263.28 - $271.68 -2.35 % - 0.764 %
Pred. range - 12 mos $290.47 - $353.21 7.73 % - 31.00 %
Short MA avg 3 mos Buy May 07, 2024 - 39 days
Long MA avg 3 mos Buy Jun 17, 2024 - 11 days
Short/Long MA avg 3 mos Buy Jun 17, 2024 - 11 days
Short MA avg 12 mos Buy May 28, 2024 - 25 days
Long MA avg 12 mos Sell Feb 16, 2024 - 94 days
Short/Long MA avg 12 mos Buy Mar 05, 2024 - 83 days
Pivot Short Sell Apr 24, 2024 - 48 days
Bollinger Sell Nov 30, -1 - N/A days
MACD N/A No Dates Stored For This Signal
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About Pioneer Natural Resources Company

Pioneer Natural Resources Pioneer Natural Resources Company operates as an independent oil and gas exploration and production company in the United States. The company explores for, develops, and produces oil, natural gas liquids (NGLs), and gas. It has operations in the Midland Basin in West Texas. As of December 31, 2021, the company had proved undeveloped reserves and proved developed non-producing reserves of 130 million barrels of oil, 92 million barrels of NGLs, and... PXD Profile

Top Fintech Company featured in The Global Fintech Index 2020 as the top Fintech company of the country.

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