Latest Data & Signals Issued

Signal Type Signal Value Data
Score 0.000 72 days ( 11.27 % )
Last Price $0.91 0.556 %
High/ Low $0.89 - $0.97 25.98%
Chg 7 Days 18.46 % $0.764 $0.91
Chg 30 Days 123.40 % $0.405 $0.91
Chg 12 mos 293.48 % $0.230 $0.91
Trend - 3 mos 0.93 % Width: 140.89 %
Trend - 12 mos 66.89 % Width: 691.51 %
Pred. range - 3 mos $0.407 - $0.98 -55.00 % - 8.40 %
Pred. range - 12 mos $0.411 - $3.25 -54.62 % - 259.21 %
Short MA avg 3 mos Buy Dec 28, 2022 - 21 days
Long MA avg 3 mos Buy Jan 04, 2023 - 17 days
Short/Long MA avg 3 mos Buy Jan 10, 2023 - 13 days
Short MA avg 12 mos Buy Dec 30, 2022 - 19 days
Long MA avg 12 mos Buy Jan 20, 2023 - 6 days
Short/Long MA avg 12 mos Sell Oct 26, 2022 - 64 days
Pivot Short Buy Jan 24, 2023 - 4 days
Bollinger Sell Nov 30, -1 - N/A days
MACD Buy No Dates Stored For This Signal
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About Synthetics Biologics Inc

Synthetics Biologics Synthetic Biologics, Inc., a clinical-stage company, develops therapeutics to treat diseases in areas of high unmet need. The company's lead product candidates include SYN-004 designed to degrade various commonly used intravenous beta-lactam antibiotics in gastrointestinal (GI) tract for the prevention of microbiome damage, clostridium difficile infection (CDI), overgrowth of pathogenic organisms, the emergence of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), ... SYN Profile

Top Fintech Company featured in The Global Fintech Index 2020 as the top Fintech company of the country.

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