BioShares Biotechnology Products Fund ETF Dividends Overview

BBP used to pay dividends yearly. Last paid amount was $0.0720 at Dec 27, 2017. As of today, dividend yield (TTM) is 0%.

Dividend Yield Range

The Dividend Yield Range is the range of values in which a stock’s dividend yield has fluctuated within a specified period, often a year. It represents the variation between the highest and lowest dividend yields observed during that time frame.
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Key Stats

Dividend Yield (TTM) 0%
Frequency Yearly
1Y Growth 0%
Payout Ratio 0
Amount Per Share $0.0720
BioShares Biotechnology Products Fund has not yet announced its next dividend date. Last payment date was: Dec 27, 2017.

BBP Dividend Payout History

To ensure a understanding of BBP's dividend performance, consider examining the historical payout ratios and how they align with the company's earnings. Fluctuations in payout amounts may reflect changes in the company's dividend policy or earnings stability.

# Declaration Date Ex-Date Pay Date Amount Yield
1 Dec 19, 2017 Dec 20, 2017 Dec 27, 2017 $0.0720 0.176%
2 Dec 21, 2015 Dec 21, 2015 Dec 29, 2015 $0.397 1.27%


What factors can affect the amount of BBP's dividend payments?
The amount of BBP's dividends can fluctuate based on several factors, including the company's financial performance, earnings, cash flow, capital requirements, and overall market conditions. Changes in BBP sector's trends, interest rate shifts, and the company's operational adjustments can also influence dividend decisions.

Can dividends from BBP stock be automatically reinvested?
If BBP offers a Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRIP), shareholders may have the option to automatically reinvest dividends to purchase additional shares. Please check with your brokerage for the availability and details of such a plan. Here's an easy guide on how to buy BBP stock.

How often does BBP pay dividend?
BioShares Biotechnology Products Fund (BBP) used to pay dividends yearly. The most recent payout was on Dec 27, 2017.

How much does BBP pays per share?
The last recorder (Dec 20, 2017) dividend per share was $0.0720.

What is BBP dividend growth rate?
Over the last year, BioShares Biotechnology Products Fund has witnessed growth rate of 0% . Looking back over the past 3 years, this growth rate has been 0%. Furthermore, examining the past 5 years, BioShares Biotechnology Products Fund has maintained an average Dividends Per Share Growth Rate of 0%.
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The investment seeks investment results that correspond, before fees and expenses, to the price and yield performance of the BioShares Biotechnology Products Index. Under normal market conditions, the fund will invest not less than 80% of its total assets in component securities of the index. The index seeks to track the performance of the common stock of U.S. exchange-listed biotechnology companies with a primary product offering or product can...
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