Currently predicting for Thu, 4 Jul 2024

Trading levels for WCP.TO

Fibonacci Support & Resistance Levels

Level Price
R3 10.39 2.10%
R2 10.32 1.35%
R1 10.27 0.88%
Price 10.18
S1 10.12 -0.620%
S2 10.07 -1.08%
S3 9.99 -1.83%

Accumulated Volume Support & Resistance Levels

Level Price
R3 10.49 3.05%
R2 10.36 1.77%
R1 10.23 0.491%
Price 10.18
S1 10.03 -1.47%
S2 10.00 -1.77%
S3 9.85 -3.24%

WCP.TO Predictions History

3 weeks ago
PredictionBot.Kathy predicted that WCP.TO for Jun. 12th is going $10.05 (0.31%)

3 weeks ago
PredictionBot.Warren predicted that WCP.TO for Jun. 12th is going $10.09 (0.68%)

3 weeks ago
thedean2010 predicted that WCP.TO for Jun. 12th is going

1 month ago
thedean2010 predicted that WCP.TO for May. 30th is going

2 months ago
PredictionBot.Kathy predicted that WCP.TO for May. 1st is going $10.53 (5.33%)

2 months ago
PredictionBot.Warren predicted that WCP.TO for May. 1st is going $10.50 (4.98%)

2 months ago
thedean2010 predicted that WCP.TO for May. 1st is going

3 months ago
PredictionBot.Warren predicted that WCP.TO for Apr. 1st is going $10.20 (-1.80%)

3 months ago
holtman58 predicted that WCP.TO for Apr. 1st is going


11 months ago
PredictionBot.Kathy predicted that WCP.TO for 2023-07-12 is going $9.51 (-1.66%)

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About Whitecap Resources Inc.

Whitecap Resources. Whitecap Resources Inc., oil and gas company, acquires and develops petroleum and natural gas properties in Canada. Its principal properties are located in West Central Alberta, British Columbia, Southeast Saskatchewan, West Central Saskatchewan, and Southwest Saskatchewan. As of February 14, 2022, it had a total proved plus probable reserves of 701,829 thousand barrels of oil equivalent. Whitecap Resources Inc. is headquartered in Calgary, Canad... WCP.TO Profile

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