Dawson Geophysical Company Stock Dividends Overview

DWSN used to pay dividends quarterly. Last paid amount was $0.320 at May 06, 2024. As of today, dividend yield (TTM) is 23.19%.

Dividend Yield Range

The Dividend Yield Range is the range of values in which a stock’s dividend yield has fluctuated within a specified period, often a year. It represents the variation between the highest and lowest dividend yields observed during that time frame.
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Key Stats

Dividend Yield (TTM) 23.19%
Frequency Quarterly
1Y Growth 0%
Payout Ratio 0
Amount Per Share $0.320
Dawson Geophysical Company has not yet announced its next dividend date. Last payment date was: May 06, 2024.

DWSN Dividend Payout History

To ensure a understanding of DWSN's dividend performance, consider examining the historical payout ratios and how they align with the company's earnings. Fluctuations in payout amounts may reflect changes in the company's dividend policy or earnings stability.

# Declaration Date Ex-Date Pay Date Amount Yield
1 Apr 19, 2024 Apr 19, 2024 May 06, 2024 $0.320 23.19%
2 Nov 12, 2014 Nov 20, 2014 Dec 08, 2014 $0.0800 1.32%
3 Aug 06, 2014 Aug 13, 2014 Aug 29, 2014 $0.0800 0.700%
4 May 07, 2014 May 14, 2014 May 30, 2014 $0.0800 0.618%
5 Feb 04, 2014 Feb 12, 2014 Feb 24, 2014 $0.0800 0.418%
6 Dec 06, 2012 Dec 13, 2012 Dec 27, 2012 $0.408 1.83%

Dividend Sustainability

The company's low Dividend Sustainability Score (DSS) highlights potential challenges in upholding its current dividend levels. Unfortunately, its low Dividend Growth Potential Score (DGPS) suggests limited prospects for dividend growth. In conclusion, a more vigilant stance is recommended given the company's tentative dividend landscape.

Sustainability score

Low (50.00%)

Growth potential

No dividend expected

DWSN Dividend Calculator

Dividend Calculator is designed to forecast the potential returns from DWSN dividends based on your individual investment size or the number of shares you own. Simply enter your total investment amount to see the cumulative dividend payment you could receive over a specified period.
Read how to invest in DWSN stock here.

Comparing DWSN to Sector and Country

DWSN pays a solid dividend yield of 23.19%, which is higher than the average of the bottom 25% of dividend payers in the US market (1.80%). DWSN’s dividend yield is higher than the average of the top 25% of dividend payers in the Energy sector in the US market (14.45%).

DWSN Stock Competitors

Symbol Company Name Market Cap Amount Per Share Dividend Yield (TTM) Payout Ratio (TTM)
Dawson Geophysical Company 44.616M $0.320 23.19% -545.45%
Marine Petroleum Trust 7.7M $0.0560 3.88% 25,462.69%
Martin Midstream Partners L.P. 155.614M $0.0050 0.654% 18.70%
Gulf Island Fabrication 114.471M $0.0100 0% -
Hallador Energy Company 536.975M $0.0400 0% -
U.S. Energy Corp. 48.1M $0.0230 0% -3.55%


What factors can affect the amount of DWSN's dividend payments?
The amount of DWSN's dividends can fluctuate based on several factors, including the company's financial performance, earnings, cash flow, capital requirements, and overall market conditions. Changes in DWSN sector's trends, interest rate shifts, and the company's operational adjustments can also influence dividend decisions.

Can dividends from DWSN stock be automatically reinvested?
If DWSN offers a Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRIP), shareholders may have the option to automatically reinvest dividends to purchase additional shares. Please check with your brokerage for the availability and details of such a plan. Here's an easy guide on how to buy DWSN stock.

How often does DWSN pay dividend?
Dawson Geophysical Company (DWSN) used to pay dividends quarterly. The most recent payout was on May 06, 2024.

How much does DWSN pays per share?
The last recorder (Apr 19, 2024) dividend per share was $0.320.

What is DWSN dividend growth rate?
Over the last year, Dawson Geophysical Company has witnessed growth rate of 0% . Looking back over the past 3 years, this growth rate has been 0%. Furthermore, examining the past 5 years, Dawson Geophysical Company has maintained an average Dividends Per Share Growth Rate of 0%.
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Dawson Geophysical Company
Dawson Geophysical Company provides onshore seismic data acquisition and processing services in the United States and Canada. The company acquires and processes 2-D, 3-D, and multi-component seismic data for its clients, including oil and gas companies, and independent oil and gas operators, as well as providers of multi-client data libraries. Its seismic crews supply seismic data primarily to companies engaged in the exploration and development ...
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