Date Action Amount Person Type
Apr 01, 2024 Buy 250 Kempton James M Common Stock
Mar 19, 2024 Sell 4 906 Kempton James M Common Stock
Mar 19, 2024 Sell 11 866 Smith William W Jr Common Stock
Mar 13, 2024 Sell 4 804 Kempton James M Common Stock
Mar 13, 2024 Sell 11 651 Smith William W Jr Common Stock
Feb 22, 2024 Sell 1 018 Kempton James M Common Stock
Feb 22, 2024 Sell 7 291 Kempton James M Common Stock
Feb 22, 2024 Sell 5 060 Smith William W Jr Common Stock
Feb 22, 2024 Sell 13 586 Smith William W Jr Common Stock
Feb 21, 2024 Buy 86 422 Kempton James M Common Stock
Feb 21, 2024 Buy 100 000 Kempton James M Common Stock
Feb 21, 2024 Buy 175 000 Smith William W Jr Common Stock
Feb 21, 2024 Buy 175 000 Smith William W Jr Common Stock
Jan 23, 2024 Sell 2 293 Kempton James M Common Stock
Jan 23, 2024 Sell 6 952 Smith William W Jr Common Stock
Jan 18, 2024 Sell 1 016 Kempton James M Common Stock
Jan 18, 2024 Sell 5 059 Smith William W Jr Common Stock
Jan 16, 2024 Buy 25 000 Szabo Gregory J Common Stock
Jan 16, 2024 Buy 25 000 Sharma Chetan Common Stock
Jan 16, 2024 Buy 25 000 Keddy Asha Common Stock
Jan 16, 2024 Buy 25 000 Gulko Samuel Common Stock
Jan 16, 2024 Buy 25 000 Elfman Steven Lawrence Common Stock
Jan 16, 2024 Buy 25 000 Campbell Thomas G Common Stock
Jan 16, 2024 Buy 25 000 Arno Andrew Common Stock
Dec 27, 2023 Buy 69 330 Smith William W Jr Common Stock
Dec 27, 2023 Sell 69 330 Smith William W Jr Common Stock
Dec 19, 2023 Sell 857 Kempton James M Common Stock
Dec 19, 2023 Sell 4 268 Smith William W Jr Common Stock
Dec 01, 2023 Sell 17 660 Smith William W Jr Common Stock
Dec 01, 2023 Sell 6 780 Kempton James M Common Stock
Nov 30, 2023 Sell 1 155 Smith William W Jr Common Stock
Nov 30, 2023 Sell 577 Kempton James M Common Stock
Nov 17, 2023 Sell 857 Kempton James M Common Stock
Nov 17, 2023 Sell 4 268 Smith William W Jr Common Stock
Oct 18, 2023 Sell 4 268 Smith William W Jr Common Stock
Oct 18, 2023 Sell 857 Kempton James M Common Stock
Oct 02, 2023 Buy 250 Kempton James M Common Stock
Sep 20, 2023 Sell 857 Kempton James M Common Stock
Sep 20, 2023 Sell 4 268 Smith William W Jr Common Stock
Aug 23, 2023 Buy 46 360 Kempton James M Common Stock
Aug 23, 2023 Buy 99 340 Smith William W Jr Common Stock
Aug 17, 2023 Sell 857 Kempton James M Common Stock
Aug 17, 2023 Sell 6 116 Smith William W Jr Common Stock
Jul 24, 2023 Buy 18 651 Smith William W Jr Common Stock
Jul 24, 2023 Sell 18 651 Smith William W Jr Common Stock
Jul 19, 2023 Sell 857 Kempton James M Common Stock
Jul 19, 2023 Sell 6 116 Smith William W Jr Common Stock
Jun 20, 2023 Sell 6 116 Smith William W Jr Common Stock
Jun 20, 2023 Sell 857 Kempton James M Common Stock
Jun 14, 2023 Buy 1 000 Kempton James M Common Stock
May 18, 2023 Sell 1 018 Kempton James M Common Stock
May 18, 2023 Sell 6 116 Smith William W Jr Common Stock
Apr 24, 2023 Buy 27 144 Smith William W Jr Common Stock
Apr 24, 2023 Sell 27 144 Smith William W Jr Common Stock
Apr 18, 2023 Sell 1 016 Kempton James M Common Stock
Apr 18, 2023 Sell 6 116 Smith William W Jr Common Stock
Apr 03, 2023 Buy 250 Kempton James M Common Stock
Mar 17, 2023 Sell 4 090 Kempton James M Common Stock
Mar 17, 2023 Sell 14 008 Smith William W Jr Common Stock
Mar 09, 2023 Sell 5 761 Kempton James M Common Stock
Mar 09, 2023 Sell 10 081 Smith William W Jr Common Stock
Mar 07, 2023 Buy 100 000 Kempton James M Common Stock
Mar 07, 2023 Buy 175 000 Smith William W Jr Common Stock
Feb 17, 2023 Sell 6 375 Smith William W Jr Common Stock
Jan 27, 2023 Buy 25 000 Szabo Gregory J Common Stock
Jan 27, 2023 Buy 25 000 Sharma Chetan Common Stock
Jan 27, 2023 Buy 25 000 Keddy Asha Common Stock
Jan 27, 2023 Buy 25 000 Gulko Samuel Common Stock
Jan 27, 2023 Buy 25 000 Elfman Steven Lawrence Common Stock
Jan 27, 2023 Buy 25 000 Campbell Thomas G Common Stock
Jan 27, 2023 Buy 25 000 Arno Andrew Common Stock
Jan 24, 2023 Buy 32 112 Smith William W Jr Common Stock
Jan 24, 2023 Sell 32 112 Smith William W Jr Common Stock
Jan 18, 2023 Sell 7 290 Smith William W Jr Common Stock
Dec 19, 2022 Sell 904 Smith William W Jr Common Stock
Dec 13, 2022 Sell 5 574 Smith William W Jr Common Stock
Nov 17, 2022 Sell 6 479 Smith William W Jr Common Stock
Oct 19, 2022 Sell 6 479 Smith William W Jr Common Stock
Oct 03, 2022 Buy 250 Kempton James M Common Stock
Sep 19, 2022 Sell 904 Smith William W Jr Common Stock
Sep 14, 2022 Buy 5 000 Smith William W Jr Common Stock
Sep 13, 2022 Buy 2 500 Kempton James M Common Stock
Sep 12, 2022 Sell 5 574 Smith William W Jr Common Stock
Aug 30, 2022 Buy 1 700 Campbell Thomas G Common Stock
Aug 29, 2022 Buy 79 779 Smith William W Jr Common Stock
Aug 29, 2022 Sell 79 779 Smith William W Jr Common Stock
Aug 23, 2022 Buy 5 000 Keddy Asha Common Stock
Aug 22, 2022 Sell 6 479 Smith William W Jr Common Stock
Aug 19, 2022 Buy 10 000 Szabo Gregory J Common Stock
Aug 17, 2022 Buy 2 500 Arno Andrew Common Stock
Aug 17, 2022 Buy 25 000 Arno Andrew Common Stock
Aug 17, 2022 Buy 4 000 Gulko Samuel Common Stock
Aug 17, 2022 Buy 5 000 Arno Andrew Common Stock
Jul 19, 2022 Sell 6 479 Smith William W Jr Common Stock
Jun 17, 2022 Sell 6 478 Smith William W Jr Common Stock
May 18, 2022 Sell 288 Kempton James M Common Stock
May 18, 2022 Sell 6 479 Smith William W Jr Common Stock
Apr 19, 2022 Sell 352 Kempton James M Common Stock
Mar 10, 2022 Sell 4 369 Smith William W Jr Common Stock
Mar 10, 2022 Sell 7 093 Smith William W Jr Common Stock
Last 100 transactions
Buy: 1 596 838 | Sell: 495 911 (Shares)

Based on the 100 latest insides trades, we have calculated the insider power to be positive at a ratio of 56.935.

In total, the insiders bought 1 596 838 and sold 495 911 SMSI shares in the last 100 trades.

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About Smith Micro Software

Smith Micro Software Smith Micro Software, Inc. develops and sells software to enhance the mobile experience to wireless and cable service providers worldwide. It offers SafePath Family, SafePath IoT, and SafePath Home product suite, which provides tools to protect digital lifestyles and manage connected devices inside and outside the home; and CommSuite, a messaging platform that helps mobile service providers deliver a next-generation voicemail experience to mobile... SMSI Profile

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