Acadia Healthcare Company Stock Predictions
Trading levels for ACHC
Fibonacci Support & Resistance Levels
Level | Price | |
R3 | 43.22 | 1.66% |
R2 | 42.90 | 0.93% |
R1 | 42.71 | 0.470% |
Price | 42.51 | |
S1 | 42.08 | -1.00% |
S2 | 41.89 | -1.46% |
S3 | 41.58 | -2.20% |
Accumulated Volume Support & Resistance Levels
Level | Price | |
R3 | 52.03 | 22.39% |
R2 | 51.22 | 20.49% |
R1 | 42.69 | 0.423% |
Price | 42.51 | |
S1 | 42.33 | -0.423% |
S2 | 42.02 | -1.15% |
S3 | 0 | - |
ACHC Predictions History
1 year ago
PredictionBot.Kathy predicted that
for 2023-03-09 is going
$73.28 (4.69%)
1 year ago
PredictionBot.Warren predicted that
for 2023-03-09 is going
$72.93 (4.20%)