FALC Performance


What is the symbol for FalconStor Software Stock and on which exchange is it traded?
The symbol for FalconStor Software is FALC and it is traded on the NASDAQ (NASDAQ Stock Exchange).

Should I buy or sell FalconStor Software Stock?
FalconStor Software holds several positive signals, but we still don't find these to be enough for a buy candidate. At the current level, it should be considered as a hold candidate (hold or accumulate) in this position whilst awaiting further development.

How to buy FalconStor Software Stock?
FalconStor Software Stock can be purchased through just about any brokerage firm, including online brokerage services.
Click here for our free guide on how to buy FalconStor Software Stock.

What's the current price of FalconStor Software Stock?
As of the end of day on the Dec 11, 2024, the price of an FalconStor Software (FALC) share was $1.35.

What is the 52-week high and low for FalconStor Software Stock?
The 52-week high for FalconStor Software Stock is $2.60 and the 52-week low is $0.85.

What is the market capitalization of FalconStor Software Stock?
As of the Dec 11, 2024, the market capitalization of FalconStor Software is 9.632M.

When is the next earnings date for FalconStor Software?
The upcoming earnings date for FalconStor Software is Feb 20, 2025.
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FalconStor Software
FalconStor Software, Inc., a storage software company, enables enterprise customers and managed service providers to secure, migrate, and protect their data worldwide. The company offers FalconStor Virtual Tape Library, a software that emulates and replaces cumbersome legacy physical tape libraries for archive related data preservation without being forced to replace their enterprise backup and archive software and associated processes; FalconSto...
Ticker Change Signal Date
3.06% Dec 09
1.66% Dec 09
0.0764% Dec 09
0.0858% Dec 05
0.0417% Dec 05

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